Botox is the most popular cosmetic procedure performed in the United States. Properly done, it is safe and effective without downtime.
This voucher entitles you to 20 units of Botox from LifeSpring Anti-aging & Aesthetic Medicine in Buckhead. That’s a $280 value for only $129.
What are you waiting for? Tap into your own fountain of youth with this deal today!
Valid for new clients only, or clients who have not had Botox from Lifespring in the last 12 months.
The Fine Print
Only valid for new clients and clients who have not been to Lifespring in the last twelve months.,Valid only for option purchased. Appointment required.,New clients only, or clients who have not had botox, dysport or xeomin from lifespring in the last 12 months.,Consultation required.,Non-candidates will be refunded.